Browse our resources about Labor-Management Relations. This official collection includes Decisions from the Natioanl Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that may impact labor-management cases, plus the proper ways to Address Poor Performers and the Law, the Fair and Equitable Treatment Made Progress and Challenges Remaining, Power of Employee Engagement, and more. The resources will provide supervisors, human resources and union representatives and researchers with authoritative guidcance or standard best practices within Federal employee positions and situations. Personnel Managers, Executive Directors, and superrvisors may be iuterested in titles that assist with managing the workforce, from job postings to managing employees, such as: Attracting the Next Generation: A Look at Federal Entry-Level New Hires, In Search of Highly Skilled Workers: A Study on the Hiring of Upper Level Employees from Outside the Federal Government, Federal Employee Engagement: The Motivating Potential of Job Characteristics and Rewards, Evaluating Job Applicants: The Role of Training and Experience of Hiring, and more.