According to the US Army, "military law is part of military just and the administration of the Uniform Code of Military Justice." Furthermore, the purpose of military justice, as part of military law, is to "promote justice, to asist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby to strengthn the national security of the United States." (Citation: US Army military justice)
Some popular titles available for purchase relating to this topic include:
- Manual for Courts-Martial (2008 edition) - reduced list price while supplies last
- Air Force Law Review print subscription
- The Judge Advocate Warrant Officer Chronicles Volume 1, June 2018: Stories and Experiences Told by Legal Administrators From Past to Present
- The Judge Advocate Warrant Officer Chronicles Volume II June 2019
- Fundamentals of Military Medicine
- Preparing for Martial Law: Through the Eyes of Col. Ryszard Kuklinski (Book and DVD)
- The Limits of Military Officers' Duty to Obey Civilian Orders: A Neo-Classical Perspective
- And more
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