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The Social Security Advisory Board was an independent bipartisan Board created by the Congress and appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs.

The Social Security Programs Throughout the World series  highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries. Published by the US Social Security Administration in collaboration with the International Social Security Association, one of four regional volumes is issued every six months, including Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas.

Are you concerned about what types of plants and trees may grow in a specific region of our country?  Soil management and soil quality that impacts how water is retained plays an important role in the land use moitoring   In this collection of government resources, you will learn about many publications produced by the US Departrment of Agriculture including the soil survey manual, the keys to soil taxonomy, and different plants and trees that are maintained in a variety of regions, such as Alaska and Southern areas, to include Virgina to name a few.

Do you need official resources to research about South Asia?  This grouping of titles includes historical publications about China, Taiwan, India, and more.  


Some popular products within this collection are: 

Avoiding the Trap: U.S. Strategy and Policy for Competing in the Asia-Pacific Rebalance

Taiwan's Offshore Islands: Pathway or Barrier? (part of the Newport Paper series collection)

India-Japan Strategic Cooperation and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region

Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment









2824 items
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Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 19, October 20 to November 3, 2009
Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 19, October 20 to November 3, 2009

Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 19, October 20 to November 3, 2009

Congressional Record, Volume 155, Part 17, September 25, 2009 to October 6, 2009
Congressional Record, Volume 155, Part 17, September 25, 2009 to October 6, 2009

Congressional Record, Volume 155, Part 17, September 25, 2009 to October 6, 2009

United States Reports, V. 553, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2007, April 15 Through June 12, 2008
United States Reports, V. 553, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2007, April 15 Through June 12, 2008

United States Reports, V. 553, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2007, April 15 Through June 12, 2008

Health Care Act (Public Laws 111-152 and 111-148)
Health Care Act (Public Laws 111-152 and 111-148)

Health Care Act (Public Laws 111-152 and 111-148)

Building the Bombs: A History of the Nuclear Weapons Complex
Building the Bombs: A History of the Nuclear Weapons Complex

Building the Bombs: A History of the Nuclear Weapons Complex

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XXXVIII, Part 1, Foundation of United States Foreign Policy 1973-1976
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XXXVIII, Part 1, Foundation of United States Foreign Policy 1973-1976

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XXXVIII, Part 1, Foundation of United States Foreign Policy 1973-1976

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Volume XXVI, Arab-israeli Dispute 1974-1976
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Volume XXVI, Arab-israeli Dispute 1974-1976

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Volume XXVI, Arab-israeli Dispute 1974-1976

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement, V. 7, Popular Names, Tables, and Index, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012
United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement, V. 7, Popular Names, Tables, and Index, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement, V. 7, Popular Names, Tables, and Index, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012

Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute : Chapter 71 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code, as Amended, and 5 U.S.C. 5596, The Back Pay Act, as Amended (2012)
Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute : Chapter 71 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code, as Amended, and 5 U.S.C. 5596, The Back Pay Act, as Amended (2012)

Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute : Chapter 71 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code, as Amended, and 5 U.S.C. 5596, The Back Pay Act, as Amended (2012)

US-China Economic & Security Review Commission Annual Report 2012
US-China Economic & Security Review Commission Annual Report 2012

US-China Economic & Security Review Commission Annual Report 2012

Living a Balanced Life With Diabetes: A Toolkit Addressing Psychosocial Issues for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations (Kit)
Living a Balanced Life With Diabetes: A Toolkit Addressing Psychosocial Issues for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations (Kit)

Living a Balanced Life With Diabetes: A Toolkit Addressing Psychosocial Issues for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations (Kit)

Tributes Delivered in Congress, Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Senator, 2001-2009
Tributes Delivered in Congress, Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Senator, 2001-2009

Tributes Delivered in Congress, Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Senator, 2001-2009

Tributes Delivered in Congress, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., United States Senator, 1973-2009
Tributes Delivered in Congress, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., United States Senator, 1973-2009

Tributes Delivered in Congress, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., United States Senator, 1973-2009

Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 16, September 8 to September 22, 2009
Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 16, September 8 to September 22, 2009

Congressional Record, V. 155, Pt. 16, September 8 to September 22, 2009

Congressional Record V. 155, Pt. 15, July 29 to August 10, 2009
Congressional Record V. 155, Pt. 15, July 29 to August 10, 2009

Congressional Record V. 155, Pt. 15, July 29 to August 10, 2009

Congressional-Executive Commission on China Annual Report 2012
Congressional-Executive Commission on China Annual Report 2012

Congressional-Executive Commission on China Annual Report 2012

United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement V, V. 4, Titles 25, Indians to Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, January 4, 2007 To January 3, 2012
United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement V, V. 4, Titles 25, Indians to Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, January 4, 2007 To January 3, 2012

United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement V, V. 4, Titles 25, Indians to Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, January 4, 2007 To January 3, 2012

How To Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees (Revised 2012)
How To Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees (Revised 2012)

How To Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees (Revised 2012)

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 3, Title 16, Conservation to Title 24, Hospitals and Asylums, January 4, 2007 to January 3. 2012
United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 3, Title 16, Conservation to Title 24, Hospitals and Asylums, January 4, 2007 to January 3. 2012

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 3, Title 16, Conservation to Title 24, Hospitals and Asylums, January 4, 2007 to January 3. 2012

Civil War in the Southeast (Package of 100)
Civil War in the Southeast (Package of 100)

Civil War in the Southeast (Package of 100)

Congressional Record Index, V. 151, Pt. 23, January 4, 2005 to December 30, 2005
Congressional Record Index, V. 151, Pt. 23, January 4, 2005 to December 30, 2005

Congressional Record Index, V. 151, Pt. 23, January 4, 2005 to December 30, 2005

Congressional Record Volume 150, Index, January to December 2004, A-K, L-Z
Congressional Record Volume 150, Index, January to December 2004, A-K, L-Z

Congressional Record Volume 150, Index, January to December 2004, A-K, L-Z

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 2, Title 11, Bankruptcy to Title 15, Commerce and Trade, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012
United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 2, Title 11, Bankruptcy to Title 15, Commerce and Trade, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 5, V. 2, Title 11, Bankruptcy to Title 15, Commerce and Trade, January 4, 2007 to January 3, 2012

A Sense of Place: Design Guidelines for Yosemite National Park
A Sense of Place: Design Guidelines for Yosemite National Park

A Sense of Place: Design Guidelines for Yosemite National Park

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