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Explore the environment and nature with new and classic official publications that present both scientific, regulatory (40CFR), and practical information to protect and improve the nation's air and pollution control, foster the protection of plants, trees & forests, and animal species and their habitats, guidelines for proper soil management, help protect human health including disposal of hazardous waste, and promote a cleaner and healthier environment for the American people.

This collection features resources on climate change in the US,  the impacts of climate change on human health, water management resources and other evironmental eBooks.

Shop our overstock sale focusing on environment resources. Reduced prices reflect a 50% discount on all books featured in this collection. Quantities are limited, so take advantage of this special offer today. New titles may be added to this list, so be sure to check back often!

2832 items
Page 40 of 118
Federal Probation: A Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice
Federal Probation: A Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice

Federal Probation: A Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice

Handbook of North American Indians, V.  6, Subarctic
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 6, Subarctic

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 6, Subarctic

Homemade Explosives Recognition Guide (Portuguese Language Version) (Not in stock Yet Controlled Item)
Homemade Explosives Recognition Guide (Portuguese Language Version) (Not in stock Yet Controlled Item)

Homemade Explosives Recognition Guide (Portuguese Language Version) (Not in stock Yet Controlled Item)

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XL1, Western Europe; NATO, 1969-1972
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XL1, Western Europe; NATO, 1969-1972

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, V. XL1, Western Europe; NATO, 1969-1972

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Decisions
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Decisions

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Decisions

Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set (TSWG Controlled Item)
Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set (TSWG Controlled Item)

Terrorist Bomb Threat Standoff Card Set (TSWG Controlled Item)

Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics
Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics

Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics

Foreign Relations of the United States, Iran 1951-1954
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954, Iran 1951-1954 (Second Edition)

Foreign Relations of the United States, Iran 1951-1954

Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)
Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)

Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)

Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996
Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996

Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2012, Book 1, January 1, Through June 30, 2012
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2012, Book 1, January 1, Through June 30, 2012

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2012, Book 1, January 1, Through June 30, 2012

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Cumulative Index 1994
Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Cumulative Index 1994

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Cumulative Index 1994

Handbook of North American Indians, V.  9, Southwest
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 9, Southwest

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 9, Southwest

Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)
Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)

Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117

A Guide to Cultural Landscape Reports: Contents, Process, and Techniques
A Guide to Cultural Landscape Reports: Contents, Process, and Techniques

A Guide to Cultural Landscape Reports: Contents, Process, and Techniques

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988, Volume XIII, Conflict in South Atlantic 1981-1984
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988, Volume XIII, Conflict in South Atlantic 1981-1984

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981-1988, Volume XIII, Conflict in South Atlantic 1981-1984

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, V. 6: R Through S, Appendices, Submarine Chasers, Eagle-Class Patrol Craft
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, V. 6: R Through S, Appendices, Submarine Chasers, Eagle-Class Patrol Craft

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, V. 6: R Through S, Appendices, Submarine Chasers, Eagle-Class Patrol Craft

Small Watercraft Inspection Guide (SWIG) (Controlled Item/Restricted Item)
Small Watercraft Inspection Guide (SWIG) (Controlled Item/Restricted Item)

Small Watercraft Inspection Guide (SWIG) (Controlled Item/Restricted Item)

United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)
United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)

United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)

Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016
Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016

Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)
National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)
National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)

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