The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) regularly issues a compendium of budget options to help inform federal lawmakers about the implications of possible policy choices. This volume presents more than 100 options for altering Federal spending and revenues. Nearly all of the options would reduce Federal budget deficits.
The report begins with an introductory chapter that describes the current budgetary picture and the uses and limitations of this volume. Chapters 2 and 3 present options that would reduce mandatory and discretionary spending, respectively. Chapter 4 contains options that would increase revenues from various kinds of taxes and fees.
1. Introduction
The Current Context for Making Decisions About the Budget
The Options in This Report
Caveats About This Report
2. Mandatory Spending Options
Trends in Mandatory Spending
Assumptions Underlying Projections of Mandatory Spending
Sources of Growth in Mandatory Spending
Mandatory Spending Options in This Chapter
3. Discretionary Spending Options
Trends in Discretionary Spending
Approaches to Reduing Discretionary Spending
Discretionary Spending Options in This Chapter
4. Revenue Options
Trends in Revenues
Considerations in Setting Tax Policy
Approaches to Increasing Revenues
Revenue Options in This Chapter
A. Options That Would Increase the Deficit
B. Deficit Reduction Options with Smaller Budgetary Effects
C. Options by Budget Function
D. Options by Major Program or Category
E. Contributors to This Volume
This report is intended for use by Congress and Policymakers to inform them of the outcomes of possible policy choices.
Product Details
- Federal Budgets
- Government Spending
- Deficit Reduction