June 2009. This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report examines the pressures facing the federal budget over the coming decades by presenting the agency’s projections of federal spending and revenues through 2080. Under current laws and policies, rapidly rising health care costs and an aging population will sharply increase federal spending for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Unless increases in revenues kept pace with escalating spending, or spending growth was sharply reduced, soaring federal debt would weigh heavily on economic output and incomes.
The Federal Budget Outlook Over the Long Run…………….1
Alternative Scenarios for the Long-Term Budget Outlook…………1
Returning the Budget to a Sustainable Path…………5
The Outlook for Federal Spending………9
The Outlook for Revenues……….11
The Accumulation of Federal Debt…………..11
The Economic Impact of Rising Federal Debt……….16
What are the Costs of Delaying Action on the Budget?................19
The Long-Term Outlook for Medicare, Medicaid, and Total Health Care Spending…..21
Overview of the U.S. Health Care System……….21
Overview of the Medicare Program…………22
Overview of the Medicaid Program…………24
The Historical Growth of Health Care Spending……….25
Long-Term Projections of Spending for Medicare and Medicaid……..27
Slowing the Growth of Health Care Costs……….35
The Long-term Outlook for Social Security……………37
How Social Security Works………..37
The Outlook for Social Security Spending and Revenues………39
Slowing the Growth of Social Security Spending…………..41
The Long-Term Outlook for Other Federal Spending………43
Discretionary Spending…………….44
Other Mandatory Spending………….45
The Long-Term Outlook for Revenues……49
Revenues Over the Past 50 Years………49
Factors Affecting Future Federal Revenues………..50
Revenue Projections Under CBO’s Long-Term Budget Scenarios……….52
Implications of the Long-Term Revenue Scenarios………….57
Demographic and Economic Assumptions Used in CBO’s Analysis…63
Changes in CBO’s Long-Term Projections Since December 2007….65
High school students and above may find this report beneficial for U.S. economy, economic conditions, and America’s debt research papers. American citizens, small businesses, corporations, lobbyists, fiscal managers, economists, and media news outlets may find this information invaluable for understanding America’s future growth and management of debt.
Product Details
- Federal Budgets
- Government Spending