The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) produces many reports that discuss options for changes in spending and taxes. For each Congress, CBO produces a report that brings together a wide range of options for reducing the deficit. The options are derived from many sources and, in keeping with CBO’s mandate to provide objective analysis without making recommendations, each option includes arguments for and against it.
This volume—one of several reports the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provides regularly to the House and Senate Committees on the Budget—presents 188 options for altering federal spending and revenues. Volume 1, issued in December 2008, addresses options related to federal spending on health care programs or to the nation’s health insurance system. This second volume presents options that involve other aspects of the federal budget. It aims to help policymakers in their annual tasks of making budgetary choices and setting priorities.
The options discussed in this report stem from a variety of sources, such as legislative proposals, the President’s budget, Congressional and CBO staff, other government agencies, and private groups. They are intended to reflect a range of possibilities rather than to provide a ranking or a comprehensive list. The inclusion or exclusion of a particular policy change does not represent an endorsement or rejection by CBO. In keeping with CBO’s mandate to provide objective and nonpartisan analysis, the report makes no recommendations.
Budget Options begins with an introductory chapter that provides an overview of the volume and explains how the options work. Chapter 2 presents options that affect spending, organized by the functional categories of the budget (national defense; international affairs; general science, space, and technology; and so forth). The options for each budget function are introduced with a page of background information about spending in that function. Chapter 3 contains options that affect revenues from various kinds of taxes and fees. The appendix lists the many CBO staff members who contributed to the report. This volume is available on CBO’s Web site (www.cbo.gov).
Taxpayers, policymakers, economists, and political scientists would be interested in this Budget Proposal.
Product Details
- CBO Study
- Budgets
- Government Spending