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Publications for and about women, including women's history, women in the workplace, women and gender roles in the military, women leaders, and issues affecting women, such as sexual abuse and assault, domestic violence, mental health, parenting, maternal health,  and more. 


National Women's History Month is celebrated every year in March. In his 2012 Proclamation of Women's History Month, President Barack Obama called upon all Americans to "honor the history, accomplishments, and contributions of American women."

In celebration of the many achievements of all the American women from Harriet to Hillary who have helped shape our history, the U.S. Government Publishing Office offers for sale the following publications, highlighting the extraordinary accomplishments and contributions of American women.

Notable women in our collection include Harriet Tubman, escaped slave and brave conductor of the Underground Railroad who later fought for women's rights; nurse Clara Barton; aviatrix Amelia Earhart; the first woman elected to Congress, Jeannette Rankin; First Lady Lady Bird Johnson; and First Lady, U.S. senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The conferences documented within this series were led by senior military leaders from the United States and Great Britain working in concert to make vitally important decisions for the combined WWII effort during the period of uncertainty facing Allied Forces in both the European and Asian conflicts.

2840 items
Page 106 of 119
Federal Register (Daily Only Paper Subscription Service, Without Indexes)
Federal Register (Daily Only Paper Subscription Service, Without Indexes)

Federal Register (Daily Only Paper Subscription Service, Without Indexes)

Lowell: The Story of an Industrial City, a Guide to Lowell National Historical Park and Lowell Heritage State Park, Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell: The Story of an Industrial City, a Guide to Lowell National Historical Park and Lowell Heritage State Park, Lowell, Massachusetts

Lowell: The Story of an Industrial City, a Guide to Lowell National Historical Park and Lowell Heritage State Park, Lowell, Massachusetts

Desoto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern Mystery
Desoto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern Mystery

Desoto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern Mystery

Columbus: Voyages to America, 1492-1504 (Poster)
Columbus: Voyages to America, 1492-1504 (Poster)

Columbus: Voyages to America, 1492-1504 (Poster)

Battle of Kings Mountain 1780, With Fire and Sword
Battle of Kings Mountain 1780, With Fire and Sword

Battle of Kings Mountain 1780, With Fire and Sword

Handbook of North American Indians, V.  7, Northwest Coast
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 7, Northwest Coast

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 7, Northwest Coast

Yosemite: A Guide to Yosemite National Park
Yosemite: A Guide to Yosemite National Park

Yosemite: A Guide to Yosemite National Park

Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, 2013
Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, 2013

Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, 2013

Handbook of North American Indians, V.  4: History of Indian-White Relations
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 4: History of Indian-White Relations

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 4: History of Indian-White Relations

Warrior Citizen: The Official Magazine of the U.S. Army Reserve
Warrior Citizen: The Official Magazine of the U.S. Army Reserve

Warrior Citizen: The Official Magazine of the U.S. Army Reserve

Yosemite National Park (Poster)
Yosemite National Park (Poster)

Yosemite National Park (Poster)

Agate Fossil Beds: Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska
Agate Fossil Beds: Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska

Agate Fossil Beds: Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska

Current Population Reports: Series P-70, Household Economic Studies
Current Population Reports: Series P-70, Household Economic Studies

Current Population Reports: Series P-70, Household Economic Studies

Special Warfare: The Professional Bulletin of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
Special Warfare: The Professional Bulletin of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School

Special Warfare: The Professional Bulletin of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School

Army AL&T: Professional Publication of the AL&T Community
Army AL&T: Professional Publication of the AL&T Community

Army AL&T: Professional Publication of the AL&T Community

Federal Register Index
Federal Register Index

Federal Register Index

Code of Federal Regulations, LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected
Code of Federal Regulations, LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected

Code of Federal Regulations, LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected

Federal Register Complete (Complete Paper Subscription Service, With Indexes)
Federal Register Complete (Complete Paper Subscription Service, With Indexes)

Federal Register Complete (Complete Paper Subscription Service, With Indexes)

FCC Record
FCC Record

FCC Record

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 11, Great Basin
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 11, Great Basin

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 11, Great Basin

Military Police: The Professional Bulletin
Military Police: The Professional Bulletin

Military Police: The Professional Bulletin

Morristown: A History and Guide, Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey
Morristown: A History and Guide, Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey

Morristown: A History and Guide, Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey

Science of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses
Science of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses

Science of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses

Handbook of North American Indians, V.  5, Arctic
Handbook of North American Indians, V. 5, Arctic

Handbook of North American Indians, V. 5, Arctic

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