The Serial Set contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports. This volume includes House Reports from 107th Congress, 1st Session, 2001.
61. Waive points of order against conference report to accompany H. Con. Res. 83, Concurrent Resolution on Budget, fiscal 2002
62. Consideration of H.R. 1646, Foreign Relations Authorization Act, fiscal years 2002 and 2003
63. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, pt. 1
64. Hope for Children Act
65. Fallen Hero Survivor Benefit Fairness Act of 2001
66. Fairness for Foster Care Families Act of 2001
67. Consideration of H.R. 622, Hope for Children Act
68. Consideration of H.R. 1836, Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
69. Consideration of H.R. 1, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
70. Small Business Liability Protection Act, 2 pts.
71. Ron de Lugo Federal Building
72. Authorize use, East Front of Capitol Grounds for performances sponsored by John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
73. Authorize use, Capitol Grounds for Greater Washington Soap Box Derby
74. Authorize use, Capitol Grounds for 2001 District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
75. Donald J. Pease Federal Building
76. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day considertaion of resolutions reported by Rules Committee
77. Amend title 49, U.S. Code, permit air carriers to meet and discuss schedules to reduce flight delays, 2 pts.
78. Child Passenger Protection Education Grants
79. Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2001
80. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee.
81. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee.
82. Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001, pt. 1
83. Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act of 2001, 2 pts.
This may be of interest to members of Congress and other members of government, policymakers, lawyers, and law students.