The Serial Set contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports. This volume includes House Reports from 108th Congress, 2nd Session, 2004.
756. Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2004
757. Additional authorization of appropriations for Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978
758. Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Resources Conservation and Improvement Act of 2004
759. Wichita Project Equus Beds Division Authorization Act of 2004
760. Amend Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act, authorize Secretary of Interior to participate in El Paso, TX water reclamation, reuse, and desalinization project
761. Northern Mariana Islands Delegate Act
762. Waive points of order against conference report to accompany H.R. 4520, American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
763. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee
764. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee
765. Consideration of motions to suspend Rules
766. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee
767. Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act, fiscal 2005
768. Program Assessment and Results Act
769. Waive points of order against conference report to accompany H.R. 4200, National Defense Authorization Act, fiscal 2005
770. National Uniformity for Food Act of 2004
771. Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2004
772. Waive requirement, clause 6(a), rule XIII, same day consideration of resolutions reported by Rules Committee
This may be of interest to members of Congress and other members of government, policymakers, lawyers, and law students.