This publication traces the history of the National Guard and reserves from the Revolutionary War-era militias to today's function as an integral part of the nation's total force. In the beginning, the philosophy of a citizen-solider, capable of taking the field with little or no training, predominated. Modern combat made it clear a more professional force was necessary, however, policy changes didn't keep up with that changing necessity. The nation struggled to provide adequate training and equipment to the reserve component throughout the Cold War until the concept of a Total Force took hold: a concept that integrated regular and reserve components, became a reality. It wasn't until the defense buildup of the 1980s that a combat-ready reserve became fact This book focuses on 1990 to 2011, with particular emphasis on the decade after 9/11.
Active duty and reserve members of the National Guard, national guard family members, military historians, professors and students.
Product Details
- Marion, Forrest L.
- Evolution of the Guard and Reserve
- Army History
- Military History