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Are you interested in the regulations that drive America's airline industry and guidelines for pilots and flight attendants, as well as airport traffic control? In this collection, you will find print subscriptions that are available to meet the regulations for up-to-date basic fundamentals for flight safety and flight information for air traffic control procedures within the Aeronautical Information Manual, plus a print subscription for air flight service,  air traffic control handbook, and FAA Safety Briefing

This essential collection will help you to find information about regulations and procedures relating to transportation security.  You will find some products that are controlled items and require approvals from the authoring agency relating to boats, aircraft, vehicles, railroads, bridge inspections, and tunnel maintenance.  You will also find resources about hazmats and transportation incidents, vehicle inspections, roads/highways, maintenace guidelines, transit conditions, and more. 

Are you gearing up for a road trip? We have numerous travel handbooks, guides, and maps for National Parks around the nation. This collection includes the popular Junior Ranger series for children to enjoy the National Parks either as part of a family day trip, vacation, or school field trip. 


The Treasury Bulletin is a quarterly synopsis of the U.S. Department of the Treasury activities, covering financing operations, budget receipts and expenditures, debt operations, cash income and outgo, internal revenue collections, capital movements, yield a of long- term bonds, ownership of Federal securities, and other Treasury actions.

It is a quarterly periodical whose subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. GPO Standing Order List ID: TRBU.

Take a walk through nature with this collection of publications about trees and forests.

2824 items
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Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-312
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-312

Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-312

Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff, 1775-2010: Portraits & Biographical Sketches of the United States Army's Senior Officer
Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff, 1775-2010: Portraits & Biographical Sketches of the United States Army's Senior Officer

Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff, 1775-2010: Portraits & Biographical Sketches of the United States Army's Senior Officer

America COMPETES Reauthorization Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-358
America COMPETES Reauthorization Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-358

America COMPETES Reauthorization Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-358

CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-320
CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-320

CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-320

Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments
Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments

Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments

The Budget and Economic Outlook, Fiscal Years 2011-2021
The Budget and Economic Outlook, Fiscal Years 2011-2021

The Budget and Economic Outlook, Fiscal Years 2011-2021

A Concise History of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations
A Concise History of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations

A Concise History of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. XXXII, SALT I, 1969-1972
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. XXXII, SALT I, 1969-1972

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. XXXII, SALT I, 1969-1972

Federal Register V. 75, No. 226, Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Pt. 2, Medicare Program: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and CY 2011 Payment Rates
Federal Register V. 75, No. 226, Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Pt. 2, Medicare Program: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and CY 2011 Payment Rates

Federal Register V. 75, No. 226, Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Pt. 2, Medicare Program: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and CY 2011 Payment Rates

Terrorism Research and Analysis Project (TRAP): A Collection of Research Ideas, Thoughts, and Perspectives, V. 1
Terrorism Research and Analysis Project (TRAP): A Collection of Research Ideas, Thoughts, and Perspectives, V. 1

Terrorism Research and Analysis Project (TRAP): A Collection of Research Ideas, Thoughts, and Perspectives, V. 1

All Roads Lead To Baghdad: Army Special Operations Forces In Iraq, New Chapter in America's Global War on Terrorism
All Roads Lead To Baghdad: Army Special Operations Forces In Iraq, New Chapter in America's Global War on Terrorism

All Roads Lead To Baghdad: Army Special Operations Forces In Iraq, New Chapter in America's Global War on Terrorism

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, V. 4, Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 5801-End, to Title 50, War and National Defense, Popular Names, Tables, and Index
United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, V. 4, Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 5801-End, to Title 50, War and National Defense, Popular Names, Tables, and Index

United States Code, 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, V. 4, Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 5801-End, to Title 50, War and National Defense, Popular Names, Tables, and Index

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15015, Senate Reports Nos. 330-331
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15015, Senate Reports Nos. 330-331

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15015, Senate Reports Nos. 330-331

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14971, House Document No. 56, Recommendations of Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, V. 1 and 2
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14971, House Document No. 56, Recommendations of Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, V. 1 and 2

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14971, House Document No. 56, Recommendations of Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, V. 1 and 2

Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling, Report to the President, January 2011
Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling, Report to the President, January 2011

Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling, Report to the President, January 2011

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. VII: Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. VII: Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. VII: Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

Colorado River Documents 2008 (Hardcover and DVD)
Colorado River Documents 2008 (Hardcover and DVD)

Colorado River Documents 2008 (Hardcover and DVD)

Investigational New Drug Application (Red Polyethylene Folder)
Investigational New Drug Application (Red Polyethylene Folder)

Investigational New Drug Application (Red Polyethylene Folder)

Minor Species Index File FDA Drug Folder (Purple Polyethylene)
Minor Species Index File FDA Drug Folder (Purple Polyethylene)\

Minor Species Index File FDA Drug Folder (Purple Polyethylene)

Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, V. 62, December 10, 2006 Through October 15, 2008 (Hardcover)
Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, V. 62, December 10, 2006 Through October 15, 2008 (Hardcover)

Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, V. 62, December 10, 2006 Through October 15, 2008 (Hardcover)

Examining the Filibuster: Hearings, April 22, 2010; May 19, 2010; June 23, 2010; July 28, 2010; and September 22 and 29, 2010
Examining the Filibuster: Hearings, April 22, 2010; May 19, 2010; June 23, 2010; July 28, 2010; and September 22 and 29, 2010

Examining the Filibuster: Hearings, April 22, 2010; May 19, 2010; June 23, 2010; July 28, 2010; and September 22 and 29, 2010

Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-192
Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-192

Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act Of 2010, Public Law 111-192

United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, Volume 3, Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse to Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 1-5792a
United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, Volume 3, Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse to Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 1-5792a

United States Code 2006 Edition, Supplement 3, Volume 3, Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse to Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, Sections 1-5792a

Federal Register, V. 75, No. 228, Monday, November 29, 2010, Medicare Program: Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2011
Federal Register, V. 75, No. 228, Monday, November 29, 2010, Medicare Program: Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2011

Federal Register, V. 75, No. 228, Monday, November 29, 2010, Medicare Program: Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2011

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