An official publication of the United States Air Force Reserve Command, Citizen Airman magazine disseminates complete and up-to-date information of interest to the Air Force Reservist.
AFRP 30-1. Bimonthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 3 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $6.00; foreign single copy, $8.40. Formerly titled: Air Reservist. ISSN 0887-9680. AIRR. File Code 2M. Item 422, V76 #2, March-April 2024
Air Force members and Reservists, military members and Reservists, aviation and Air Force enthusiasts, aircraft enthusiasts, and people studying the modern military (as well as military history) will enjoy this very informative and beautiful magazine with full color photographs