The Serial Set contains the House and Senate Documents and the House and Senate Reports. This volume includes House Reports from 109th Congress, 2nd Session, 2006.
99. Request for FY 2006 budget amendments
100. Addition to national emergency with Syria
101. National emergency with Sudan ("101" preceeding the title is an error).
102. 2006 annual report, Boards of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds
103. 2006 annual report, Board of Trustees, Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds
104. Amendments to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
105. Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
106. Amendments to Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
107. Amendments to Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
108. Amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence
109. Continue national emergency with Syria
110. Continue national emergency with Burma
111. Requests for FY 2006 budget amendments
112. Continue national emergency with respect to protecting Development Fund for Iraq
113. 2006 comprehensive report on U.S. trade and investment policy toward sub-Saharan Africa
114. Supplemental report consistence with War Powers Resolution
115. Continue national emergency with Russian Federation
116. Declaration of national emergency with Belarus
117. Continue national emergency with Western Balkans
This may be of interest to members of Congress and other members of government, policymakers, lawyers, and law students.