United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14885, House Documents No. 146, v. 3-4, Budget of United States Government Analytical Perspectives and Historical Tables, 2005

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14885, House Documents No. 146, v. 3-4, Budget of United States Government Analytical Perspectives and Historical Tables, 2005
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14885, House Documents No. 146, v. 3-4, Budget of United States Government Analytical Perspectives and Historical Tables, 2005
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Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2005 contains analyses that are designed to highlight specified subject areas or provide other significant presentations of budget data that place the budget in perspective. This volume includes economic and accounting analyses; information on Federal receipts and collections; analyses of Federal spending; detailed information on Federal borrowing and debt; baseline or current services estimates; and other technical presentations.

Historical Tables, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2005provides data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time period, generally from 1940 or earlier to 2009. To the extent feasible, the data have been adjusted to provide consistency with the 2005 Budget and to provide comparability over time.

Table of Contents


List of Charts and Tables....................................iii

1. Introduction ..............................................3

Performance and Management Assessments
2. Budget and Performance Integration and the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)...........9

Crosscutting Programs
3. Homeland Security Funding Analysis ........................ 25
4. Strengthening Federal Statistics .......................................... 41
5. Research and Development ................................... 47
6. Federal Investment .................................................. 63
7. Credit and Insurance ........................................................... 75
8. Aid to State and Local Governments ......................... 113
9. Integrating Services with Information Technology ........................... 159
10. Federal Drug Control Funding ...................................... 165

Economic Assumptions and Analyses
11. Economic Assumptions............................................. 169
12. Stewardship .................................................................. 181
13. National Income and Product Accounts ............................ 207

Budget Reform Proposals
14. Budget Reform Proposals .......................................... 215

Federal Borrowing and Debt
15. Federal Borrowing and Debt .................................. 223

Federal Receipts and Collections
16. Federal Receipts .................................................. 239
17. User Charges and Other Collections...................... 271
18. Tax Expenditures .................................................... 285

Dimensions of the Budget
19. Comparison of Actual to Estimated Totals........................ 329
20. Outlays to the Public, Net and Gross................................ 337
21. Trust Funds and Federal Funds ................................... 339
22. Off-Budget Federal Entities and Non-Budgetary Activities............. 345
23. Federal Employment and Compensation............................ 349

Current Services Estimates
24. Current Services Estimates .............................. 357

The Budget System and Concepts
25. The Budget System and Concepts ............................... 375

Detailed Functional Table
26. Detailed Functional Table............................... CD-ROM

Federal Programs by Agency and Account
27. Federal Programs by Agency and Account.................... CD-ROM

Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), Program Summaries
28. PART Summaries......................................... CD-ROM

Contents of the Historical Tables

Introduction........................................................... 1

Section 1—Overview of Federal Government Finances .............................21

Section 2—Composition of Federal Government Receipts ...........................29

Section 3—Federal Government Outlays by Function .........................45

Section 4—Federal Government Outlays by Agency.......................71

Section 5—Budget Authority (On-and Off-Budget) .......................82

Section 6—Composition of Federal Government Outlays ...................110

Section 7—Federal Debt ............................118

Section 8—Outlays by Budget Enforcement Act Category ...................125

Section 9—Federal Government Outlays for Major Public Physical Capital, Research and Development, and Education and Training..................157

Section 10—Gross Domestic Product and Implicit Outlay Deflators............184

Section 11—Federal Government Payments for Individuals ................186

Section 12—Federal Grants to State and Local Governments ..................220

Section 13—Social Security and Medicare ................................273

Section 14—Federal Sector Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts .........286

Section 15—Total (Federal and State and Local) Government Finances ......................288

Section 16—Federal Health Spending ......................................294

Section 17—Government Employment...............................295


Government employees and Congress members would be interested in United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14885, House Documents No. 146, V. 3-4, Budget of United States Government Analytical Perspectives and Historical Tables, 2005.

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