Senate Manual, 2008

Senate Manual, 2008
Senate Manual, 2008
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Senate Document 110-1. Senate Manual, Containing the Standing Rules, Orders, Laws, and Resolutions Affecting the Business of the United States Senate, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Ordinance of 1787, and the Constitution of the United States. Prepared by Mathew McGowan under the direction of Howard Gantman, Staff Director. Also includes information about Senatorial and Presidential elections; chronological lists of Senators by State, Supreme Court justices and Cabinet officers; information about ratification of the Constitution; dates of admission of States into the Union; other information; and an index. 110th Congress, 2nd Session.


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U.S. Senate collection can be found here:

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

            Rules, Laws, Procedures:
                    Standing Rules of the Senate............     1

                            Index to Standing Rules of the
                                Senate......................    50
                    Nonstatutory Standing Orders not
                        embraced in the Rules, and
                        Resolutions Affecting the Business
                        of the Senate.......................    60
                    Rules for Regulation of the Senate Wing
                        of the Capitol and Senate Office
                        Buildings...........................   150
                    Rules for Impeachment Trials............   170
                    Cleaves' Manual of Conferences and
                        Conference Reports..................   200
                            Index...........................   261
                    General and Permanent Laws Relating to
                        the Senate
                        (Extracts from the United States
                            Contents........................   270
                            Text............................   275
            Historical Documents:
                    Declaration of Independence.............  1350
                    Articles of Confederation...............  1351
                    Ordinance of 1787.......................  1352
                    Constitution of the United States.......  1360
                            Index...........................  1398
            Statistical Data:
                    Presidents Pro Tempore of the Senate
                        (1st-110th Cong.)...................  1400
                    Deputy President Pro Tempore of the
                        Senate..............................  1401
                    Permanent Acting President Pro Tempore
                        of the Senate (88th-95th Cong.).....  1402
                    President Pro Tempore Emeritus of the
                        Senate (107th-110th Cong.)..........  1403
                    Senators of the United States (1st-110th
                        Cong.)..............................  1404
                            Index...........................  1505
                    Electoral Votes, President and Vice
                        President (1789-1996)...............  1506
                    Supreme Court Justices (1789-2008)......  1570
                    Cabinet Officers (1789-2008)............  1571
                    Ratification of the Constitution by the
                        Thirteen Original States............  1590
                    States Admitted into the Union Since the
                        Adoption of the Constitution........  1591
                    The District of Columbia................  1592
                    The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
                        Insular Possessions, and Trust
                        Territory of the Pacific Islands....  1593
                    Apportionments of Representatives.......  1594
            General Index...................................  1600

                            STANDING RULES OF THE SENATE

                    I.  Appointment of a Senator to the Chair.....     1
                   II.  Presentation of credentials and questions
                            of privilege..........................     2
                  III.  Oaths.....................................     3
                   IV.  Commencement of daily sessions............     4
                    V.  Suspension and amendment of the rules.....     5
                   VI.  Quorum--absent Senators may be sent for...     6
                  VII.  Morning business..........................     7
                 VIII.  Order of business.........................     8
                   IX.  Messages..................................     9
                    X.  Special orders............................    10
                   XI.  Papers--withdrawal, printing, reading of,
                            and reference.........................    11
                  XII.  Voting procedure..........................    12
                 XIII.  Reconsideration...........................    13
                  XIV.  Bills, joint resolutions, resolutions, and
                            preambles thereto.....................    14
                   XV.  Amendments and motions....................    15
                  XVI.  Appropriations and amendments to general
                            appropriations bills..................    16
                 XVII.  Reference to committees; motions to
                            discharge; reports of committees; and
                            hearings available....................    17
                XVIII.  Business continued from session to session    18
                  XIX.  Debate....................................    19
                   XX.  Questions of order........................    20
                  XXI.  Session with closed doors.................    21
                 XXII.  Precedence of motions.....................    22
                XXIII.  Privilege of the floor....................    23
                 XXIV.  Appointment of committees.................    24
                  XXV.  Standing committees.......................    25
                          Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry....  25.1a

                          Appropriations..........................  25.1b

                          Armed Services..........................  25.1c

                          Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.....  25.1d

                          Budget..................................  25.1e

                          Commerce, Science, and Transportation...  25.1f

                          Energy and Natural Resources............  25.1g

                          Environment and Public Works............  25.1h

                          Finance.................................  25.1i

                          Foreign Relations.......................  25.1j

                          Governmental Affairs....................  25.1k

                          Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions..  25.1l

                          Judiciary...............................  25.1m

                          Rules and Administration................  25.1n

                          Small Business and Entrepreneurship.....  25.1o

                          Veterans' Affairs.......................  25.1p

                          Number of members.......................  25.2-
                          Limitations and exceptions in respect to
                            committee membership..................  25.4
                 XXVI.  Committee procedure.......................    26
                XXVII.  Committee staff...........................    27
               XXVIII.  Conference committees; reports; open
                            meetings..............................    28
                 XXIX.  Executive sessions........................    29
                  XXX.  Executive session--proceedings on treaties    30
                 XXXI.  Executive session--proceedings on
                            nominations...........................    31
                XXXII.  The President furnished with copies of
                            records of executive sessions.........    32
               XXXIII.  Senate Chamber--Senate wing of the Capitol    33
                XXXIV.  Public financial disclosure...............    34
                 XXXV.  Gifts.....................................    35
                XXXVI.  Outside earned income.....................    36
               XXXVII.  Conflict of interest......................    37
              XXXVIII.  Prohibition of unofficial office accounts.    38
                XXXIX.  Foreign travel............................    39
                   XL.  Franking privilege and radio and
                            television studios....................    40
                  XLI.  Political fund activity; definitions......    41
                 XLII.  Employment practices......................    42
                XLIII.  Representation by Members.................    43
                 XLIV.  Congressionally directed spending and
                            related items.........................    44


This publication will benefit senatorial candidates, the Committee on Rules and Administration, and members of the public who wish to know more about Senate election law.  In addition, attorneys, law students, and law librarians might be interested in this publication.

Product Details

Availability Details:
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Senate, Committee on Rules and Administration
  • McGowan, Matthew
Key Phrases:
  • Senate Document 110 1
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Constitution
  • Ordinance of 1787
  • Senate
  • Elections
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