Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $17.00; foreign single copy, $23.80. Provides a forum for expression of professional thought on the art and science of warfare, national and international security, military history, strategy, leadership, and management. PAR. File Code 2R. ISSN 0031-1723. Item 325-K.
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Members of the military (active and reserve), military leaders and tacticians, the Department of Defense, staff of defense agencies and defense contractors, and members of academia involved in warfare studies would be interested in this publication. In addition, Veterans and military enthusiasts from the general public would enjoy this publication.
Product Details
- Subscriptions
- National Defense
- Land Warfare
- Military History
- Military Strategy
- War