During 2018, America will commemorate the eightieth anniversary of this nation’s involvement in World War I. Brigidier General Mountcastle, Chief of Military History notes it's entirely appropriate to recall our earlier experience to determine what might be relevant today. The “intellectual fieldcraft” that served the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) so well during World War I remains a vital part of our heritage, one that ultimately led to the establishment of the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL). Similarly, the Army’s postwar attempt to generalize from that earlier experience—always a more difficult chore—also contains lessons for those seeking answers to the future from our most recent efforts in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Southeastern Europe.
Featured on our blog: https://govbooktalk.gpo.gov/2018/05/17/armed-forces-day-may-19/
Military and political leadership engaged in the study and development of America's military readiness and combat effectiveness. Scholars of U.S Army military history, veterans of foreign wars, and citizens with an appreciation for the service of fighting Americans over history will want to consider reading this historical perspective.
Product Details
- Hamburger, Kenneth Earl
- American Expeditionary Forces
- World War I