The legal reference text includes various laws governing the activities of the Intelligence Community. Since its initial publication in the Fall of 2007, the Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book has become the central legal reference text within the Federal government for the laws governing the activities of the Intelligence Community. The new release incorporates new laws and changes made to existing laws since the publication of the Summer 2009 edition of the text, such as the passage by Congress of, among other pieces of legislation, the Intelligence Authorization Acts for Fiscal Years 2010, 2011, and 2012.
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This publication would be useful to the intelligence community, the military's analysis community, military commanders and staff officers at all levels, policymakers, members of government and defense agencies/contractors, and members of military- and defense-focused committees. In addition, lawyers involved with intelligence activities and legal oversight of the intelligence community should be familiar with the laws within this text. This publication would also be useful to historians and students engaged with historical/political/military studies.
Product Details
- Intelligence Activities
- Intelligence Services
- Legal Reference Book
- Electronic Surveillance
- Counterintelligence
- Law and Legislation
- Public Law