Elements of Case Managment

Elements of Case Managment
Elements of Case Management
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Elements of Case Management is primarily for the use of federal trial judges, legal teams, and American citizens.  It provides insights in how a federal trial judge handles his or her cases.  Each federal judge must abide by Rule 1 of the Federal Rules of the Civil Procedure that is “to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action.”  

This manual briefly describes techniques that judges have found effective in managing their cases at various stages of the litigation process. It begins with a discussion of the Rule 16 conference, outlining how proper use of this conference enables judges to establish control of cases at the outset. It then provides separate discussions of several items on the Rule 16 agenda covering settlement, discovery, and motions—that continue to play an important role in case management and decision-making. As part of case management, the manual also touches on the pretrial conference, and then the trial itself to propose a foundation for thinking about techniques and methods that will best suit the individual judge.  

Related products:

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, December 1, 2016 can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/federal-rules-civil-procedure-2016

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, December 1, 2016 is available here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/federal-rules-criminal-procedure-2016

Federal Rules of Appellate Court Procedure, December 1, 2016 is available here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/federal-rules-appellate-procedure-2016

Federal Rules of Evidence, December 1, 2016 can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/federal-rules-evidence-2016



Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Preface, vii
Introduction, 1
The Rule 16 Conference, 3 
Timing and procedural matters, 3 
Establishing jurisdiction and identifying pivotal issues, 5 
Attorneys’ fees, 6 
Setting dates for future proceedings, 7
Settlement, 8 
The judge’s role, 8
Discovery, 10
Motions, 12
The Final Pretrial Conference, 13 
Defining and narrowing the issues, 13 
Previewing the evidence, 13 
Considering limits on the length of the trial, 14 
Establishing the ground rules for the trial, 14 
Considering the use of special procedures, 14 
Exploring once more the opportunities for settlement, 15
Trial, 16 
Starting the trial, 16 
Helping the jury, 17 
Instructions, summations, and deliberations, 18 
Bench trials, 19
Using the Court’s Resources, 21
Related Readings, 22



This publication will be useful to federal trial judges, legal teams, law students, and American citizens interested in how a federal trial judge handles his or her cases.

Product Details

Availability Details:
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Federal Judicial Center
  • Schwarzer, William W.
Key Phrases:
  • Federal Judicial Center Pocket Guide Series
  • Case Managment
Quantity Price:
Unit of Issue (US):
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