The Customs and Border Protection Bulletins and Decisions --or CBP Bulletins for short-- are a weekly compilation of decisions, rulings, regulations, notices, and abstracts concerning customs and related matters of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and U.S. Court of International Trade. This publication is invaluable for anyone involved in importing into the United States, and can include:
- Changes in U.S. customs requirements such as Importer ID,
- Announcements for public services offered by CBP such as international trade events and CBP Centers of Excellence,
- Copyright, trademark, and trade name recordations,
- Slip opinions from U.S. Federal courts pertaining to import- and customs-related cases.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection CBP Decisions
Technical Amendment to List of User Fee Airports: Addition of St. Augustine Airport, St. Augustine, Florida……1
General Notices
Proposed Collection; Comment Request: Guam Visa Waiver Agreement.......4
Agency Information Collection Activities: Guam Visa Waiver Information......6
Screening Requirements for Carriers..................7
Customs Rulings Letters and Treatment
Certain Light Sculptures.......................... 9
Dog & Cat Get Away……………………..18
U.S. Court of International Trade Slip Opinions
Kahrs International, Inc., v. United States…………………27
GEO Specialty Chemicals, Inc., v. United States………..35
Former Employees of Warp Processing Co., Inc., v. United States Department of Labor…47
Anyone importing and exporting in the U.S., as well as those interested in a visa, would find this bulletin helpful.