The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (the Commission), established by the U.S.-China Relations Act (19 U.S.C. 1307) as China prepared to enter the World Trade Organization, is mandated to monitor human rights and the development of the rule of law in China, and to submit an annual report to the President and the Congress. The Commission is also mandated to maintain a database of political prisoners in China—individuals who have been imprisoned by the Chinese government for exercising their civil and political rights under China’s Constitution and law or under China’s international human rights obligations.
The Commission consists of nine Senators, nine Members of the House of Representatives, and five senior Administration officials appointed by the President and representing the Department of State, Department of Labor, and the Department of Commerce. The Commission’s Executive Branch members have participated in and supported the work of the Commission. The content of this Annual Report, including its findings, view, and recommendations, does not necessarily reflect the views of individual Executive Branch members or the policies of the Administration. The report covers the period from fall 2014 to fall 2015.
I. Executive Summary
Key Recommendations
Specific Findings and RecommendationsPolitical Prisoner DatabaseII. Human Rights
Freedom of Expression
Worker Rights
Criminal Justice
Freedom of Religion
Ethnic Minority Rights
Population Control
Freedom of Residence and MovementStatus of Women
Human Trafficking
North Korean Refugees in ChinaPublic Health
The Environment
III. Development of the Rule of LawCivil Society
Institutions of Democratic Governance Commercial Rule of LawAccess to Justice
IV. Xinjiang
V. Tibet
VI. Developments in Hong Kong and Macau
Students participating in global studies classes and degree programs with a specialization on China or Asia at the undergraduate and graduate level may be interested in this resource. Additionally, human rights advocates and international relations professionals may be interested in this work to provide overviews and background observations from the Committee's insights in preparation of this report.
Product Details
- China
- Annual Reports, Congressional Executive Commission on China