Prepared and regularly updated by specific Federal agencies, then published by the Office of Federal Register (OFR) Title 46 CFR, Parts 166-199, includes rules, regulations, procedures, and administrative procedures associated with Title 46 Shipping.
Subchapter R Nautical Schools 166 – 169
Subchapter S Subdivision and Stability 170 – 174
Subchapter T Small Passenger Vessels (Under 100 Gross Tons) 175 – 187
Subchapter U Oceanographic Research Vessels 188 – 196
Subchapter V Marine Occupational Safety and Health Standards 197 – 198
Subchapter W Lifesaving Appliances and Arrangements 199
Part 199 Lifesaving Systems for Certain Inspected Vessels 199.01 – 199.640
Lawyers, law librarians and law students should be familiar with the Code of Federal Regulations.