Prepared and regularly updated by specific Federal agencies, then published by the Office of Federal Register (OFR) 20 CFR, Parts 500-656, includes rules, regulations, procedures, and administrative procedures associated with Title 20 Employees' Benefits.
Chapter IV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of Labor 500 – 599
Part 500 [Reserved]
Part 501 Rules of Procedure 501.1 – 501.9
§ 501.1 Definitions.
§ 501.2 Scope and applicability of rules; composition and jurisdiction of the Board.
§ 501.3 Notice of Appeal.
§ 501.4Case record; inspection; submission of pleadings and motions.
§ 501.5 Oral argument.
§ 501.6 Decisions and orders.
§ 501.7 Petition for reconsideration.
§ 501.8 Clerk of the Office of the Appellate Boards; docket of proceedings; records.
§ 501.9 Representation; appearances and fees.
Parts 502–599 [Reserved]
Lawyers, law librarians and law students should be familiar with the Code of Federal Regulations.