Guadalupe Mountains National Park protects the world's most extensive Permian fossil reef, the four highest peaks in Texas, an environmentally diverse collection of flora and fauna, and the stories of lives shaped through conflict, cooperation and survival. Come experience mountains and canyons, desert and dunes, night skies and spectacular vistas within a place unlike any other within the NPS.
Carlsbad Caverns Park's cultural resources represent a long and varied continuum of human use starting in prehistoric times and illustrating many adaptations to the Chihuahuan Desert environment. Human activities, including prehistoric and historic American Indian occupations.
Contact Information 2
Hiker Safety 4-5
Hardscrabble in the Guadalupes: The Story of the Calumet & Texas Mining Company 10
Sitting Bull Falls 11
Area Attractions 20
Environmentalists, outdoor persons, hikers, national park visitors and prospects, speelunkers.
Product Details
- Cacti
- Bats
- Carlsbad Caverns National Park
- Guadalupe Mountains National Park
- National Parks
- Beautiful and Tough as Nails: Cacti Add a Surprising Burst of Color
- Texas