Increase the outreach of your agency by making your product available for sale to the public through commercial book channels via the GPO Sales Program.
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) Sales Program works on a cost-recovery basis to disseminate printed and eBook publications out to the general public, to libraries, trade associations, and to various target audiences through our contracts with a variety of commercial channels, including the GPO Online Bookstore, Barnes &, the Apple iTunes Store, Google, and other traditional and e-vendor sales channels.
We also help you promote your published agency content through:
- special Online Bookstore promotions;
- our Government Book Talk blog;
- our New Titles by Topic email subscription service in which we send targeted emails to the hundreds of thousands of subscribers who have expressed interest in that particular topic; and
- through other promotional vehicles, including Facebook and Twitter.
To find out how GPO can help you reach a wider audience, please contact us today:
- Jeff Turner at (202) 512-1055, email jturner @
- Maureen Whelan at (202) 512-2245, email: mwhelan @