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The TSWG operates as a program element under the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) which falls under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations / Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities. It has a number of subgroups which address the four pillars of combating terrorism: antiterrorism, counterterrorism, intelligence support, and consequence management. The TSWG produces publications for first responders at all levels, included restricted items requiring pre-approval by the TSWG for purchase from GPO.

As long as the United States has existed, it has suffered acts of domestic and international terrorism against it. Here we have assembled publications that explore the causes and history of terrorism involving the United States of America, including the greatest act of terrorism to date on American soil on September 11, 2001.

In 2011 as our Nation quietly passed the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the events of that terrible day were still vivid in the minds of those old enough to remember them. In the aftermath of 9/11, many agencies of the Federal Government recorded the tragedy and heroism on display in New York City, Washington, DC, and the skies above Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as well as the actions taken to prevent such acts of terrorism from succeeding in the future. The following publications are an official record of the one of the saddest days in America’s history - and of its citizens’ determination to ensure that the victims of these terrorist acts did not die in vain.


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British Redcoat, 1775-1783 (Poster)
British Redcoat, 1775-1783 (Poster)

British Redcoat, 1775-1783 (Poster)

Ohio River Navigation Charts: Foster, Kentucky to New Martinsville, West Virginia, January 2014
Ohio River (Foster, KY to New Martinsville, WV) Navigational Chart Book

Ohio River Navigation Charts: Foster, Kentucky to New Martinsville, West Virginia, January 2014

Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)
Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)

Critical Infrastructure Database Catalog Version 2.0 (November 2008) CD (TSWG Controlled Item)

Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)
Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)

Pipeline Blast Mitigation Technologies: Final Technical Report (TSWG Controlled Item)

Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996
Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996

Official Summary of Security Transactions and Holdings, V. 62, No. 6, for the Period June 11, 1996 Thru July 10, 1996

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, V. XXIII, Congo 1960-1968
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, V. XXIII, Congo 1960-1968

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, V. XXIII, Congo 1960-1968

U.S. House of Representatives Telephone Directory 2013
U.S. House of Representatives Telephone Directory 2013

U.S. House of Representatives Telephone Directory 2013

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15029, House Documents Nos. 99-117

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2015, Book 1
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2015, Book 1

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2015, Book 1

Trade Based Money Laundering Reference Guide (English Language Edition) (Package of 5) (Controlled Item)
Trade Based Money Laundering Reference Guide (English Language Edition) (Package of 5) (Controlled Item)

Trade Based Money Laundering Reference Guide (English Language Edition) (Package of 5) (Controlled Item)

Major-fleet Versus Fleet Operations in the Pacific War, 1941-1945, Second Edition
Major Fleet-Versus-Fleet Operations in the Pacific War, 1941-1945 (2d edition, 2016)

Major-fleet Versus Fleet Operations in the Pacific War, 1941-1945, Second Edition

Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics
Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics

Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council On Bioethics

Upper Missouri River Navigation Charts Sioux City, Iowa to Rulo, Nebraska
Missouri River (Upper) Navigational Chart Book

Upper Missouri River Navigation Charts Sioux City, Iowa to Rulo, Nebraska

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances: Opinions and Decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with Selected Orders
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances: Opinions and Decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with Selected Orders

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances: Opinions and Decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with Selected Orders

APV Handbook: Guidelines for the Procurement, Testing, and Management of Commercial Armored Passenger Vehicles (TSWG Controlled Item)
APV Handbook: Guidelines for the Procurement, Testing, and Management of Commercial Armored Passenger Vehicles (TSWG Controlled Item)

APV Handbook: Guidelines for the Procurement, Testing, and Management of Commercial Armored Passenger Vehicles (TSWG Controlled Item)



Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE) Field Reference Cards (TSWG Controlled Item)
Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE) Field Reference Cards (TSWG Controlled Item)

Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE) Field Reference Cards (TSWG Controlled Item)

Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744, A Bill (2013)
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744, A Bill (2013)

Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744, A Bill (2013)

United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)
United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)

United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum (Poster)

Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016
Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016

Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Publishing Office, A Legacy of Service to the Nation, 1861-2016

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)
National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)
National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)

National Park Service Centennial 1916-2016 (Map and Guide) (Package of 100)

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