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In this collection, you will find publications and journal issues with articles showcasing analysis of defense policy and military strategy tactics to combat terrorism, and understand global conflicts and geopolitics.

The ultimate resource for Native American history across various regions of North America, the Smithsonian Institution’s Handbook of North American Indians series is a multi-volume hardcover reference set intended to give an encyclopedic summary of what is know about the prehistory, history, and cultures of the aboriginal peoples of North America north of the urban civilizations of central Mexico. This online collection has a limited number of available print volumes within the series. You can check out one of these print books within the entire series at a Federal Depository Library near you. 

Updated semi-annually, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is the primary resource for determining tariff classifications for goods imported into the United States, pursuant to Section 484(f) Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. It can also be used in place of Schedule B for classifying goods exported from the United States to foreign countries.

The U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule classifies a good based on its name, use, and/or the material used in its construction and assigns it a ten-digit number. There are over 17,000 unique ten-digit HTS classification code numbers.

The Harmonized Tariff Schedule is based on the international Harmonized Commodity Coding and Classification System established by the World Customs Organization (WCO). Virtually all countries base their tariff schedules on the WCO's Harmonized System.

Federal publications about hazardous materials, bioterrorism, chemical warfare and toxic cleanup, safety, or military response, including Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Explosive (CBRNE) incidents are covered within this collection. 

Explore our vast collection of Government publications covering important topics about health and benefits, such as aging, diseases, drugs and pharma regulations, emergency medicine, Medicare, mental health, nursing, physical therapy/rehabilitation, social security, veteran’s benefits and much more.


Explore this collection of eBook resources covering vast health topics such as cancer, opioid treatment, depression, Alzheimers disease and other health issues.

2837 items
Page 52 of 119
The Seismic Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
The Seismic Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings

The Seismic Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings

General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in 2015, March 2016
General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in 2015, March 2016

General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in 2015, March 2016

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment
Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment (PDF eBook)

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2011, Book 2, July 1, Through December 31, 2011
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2011, Book 2, July 1, Through December 31, 2011

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Barack Obama, 2011, Book 2, July 1, Through December 31, 2011

The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 to 2026
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 to 2026

The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2016 to 2026

United States Reports, Volume 562, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2010 Beginning of Term October 4, 2010, Through March 21, 2011
United States Reports, Volume 562, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2010 Beginning of Term October 4, 2010, Through March 21, 2011

United States Reports, Volume 562, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at October Term, 2010 Beginning of Term October 4, 2010, Through March 21, 2011

Discover MyPlate: Vegetables
Discover MyPlate: Vegetables

Discover MyPlate: Vegetables

Discover MyPlate: Protein
Discover MyPlate: Protein

Discover MyPlate: Protein

Discover MyPlate: Grains
Discover MyPlate: Grains

Discover MyPlate: Grains

Discover MyPlate: Fruits
Discover MyPlate: Fruits

Discover MyPlate: Fruits

Discover MyPlate: Dairy
Discover MyPlate: Dairy

Discover MyPlate: Dairy

El Club de los Dos Bocados
El Club de los Dos Bocados

El Club de los Dos Bocados

Bringing the Future Within Reach: Celebrating 75 Years of the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, 1941-2016
Bringing the Future Within Reach: Celebrating 75 Years of the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, 1941-2016

Bringing the Future Within Reach: Celebrating 75 Years of the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, 1941-2016

Population Health: Behavioral and Social Science Insights
Population Health: Behavioral and Social Science Insights (ePub)

Population Health: Behavioral and Social Science Insights

Congressional Record, V. 157, Pt. 14, December 7 to Deember 14, 2011
Congressional Record, V. 157, Pt. 14, December 7 to Deember 14, 2011

Congressional Record, V. 157, Pt. 14, December 7 to Deember 14, 2011

Fundamentals of War Gaming (Paperback)
Fundamentals of War Gaming (Paperback)

Fundamentals of War Gaming (Paperback)

Toward "Thorough, Accurate, and Reliable": A History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series (Paperback)
Toward "Thorough, Accurate, and Reliable": A History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series (Paperback)

Toward "Thorough, Accurate, and Reliable": A History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series (Paperback)

Foreign Subsidies: Jeopardizing Free Trade and Harming American Farmers, Hearing, October 21, 2015
Foreign Subsidies: Jeopardizing Free Trade and Harming American Farmers, Hearing, October 21, 2015

Foreign Subsidies: Jeopardizing Free Trade and Harming American Farmers, Hearing, October 21, 2015

Spearhead of Logistics: A History of the United States Army Transportation Corps
Spearhead of Logistics: A History of the United States Army Transportation Corps

Spearhead of Logistics: A History of the United States Army Transportation Corps

Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants
Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants

Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants

Discover MyPlate: A MyPlate Meal (ePub)
Discover MyPlate: A MyPlate Meal

Discover MyPlate: A MyPlate Meal (ePub)

The Two Bite Club
The Two Bite Club

The Two Bite Club

Workout to Go (ePub)
Workout to Go (ePub)

Workout to Go (ePub)

Realizing the Future of Nursing: VA Nurses Tell Their Story
Realizing the Future of Nursing: VA Nurses Tell Their Story

Realizing the Future of Nursing: VA Nurses Tell Their Story

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