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AVAILABILITY: As of February 9, 2016, all Fiscal Year 2017 Budget documents have been officially released by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

ORDER METHODS: Customers may order both print and CD-ROM versions here from our online bookstore, by calling toll-free from the US and Canada to 1.866.512.1800, or by shopping at our main retail bookstore located at 710 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20401, (202) 512-0132.

Description of the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Documents

Each year, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares the President's proposed Federal Government budget for the upcoming Federal fiscal year, which includes the Administration's budget priorities and proposed funding.

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-- which runs from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, OMB has produced the FY 2017 Federal Budget in three print volumes plus an all-in-one CD-ROM:

  1. The main FY2017 "Budget" document contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President's priorities and budget overviews by agency, and summary tables;
  2. The FY2017 "Analytical Perspectives" volume contains analyses that are designed to highlight specified subject areas;
  3. An FY2017 "Appendix" contains detailed information on individual Federal agency programs and appropriation accounts that constitute the budget.
  4. A CD-ROM version of the FY2017 Budget is also available which contains all the FY 2017 budget documents in PDF format along with some additional supporting material in usable spreadsheet format.






Each year, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares the President's proposed Federal Government budget for the upcoming Federal fiscal year, which runs from October 1 through September 30 of the following year.

The FY2022 Budget was released on May 27, 2021.

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