Joint Force Quarterly is designed for national security professionals in and out of the U.S. Government to promote understanding of the integrated employment of land, sea, air, pace, and special operations forces. This journal focuses on joint doctrine, integrated operations, coalition warfare, contingency planning, military operations conducted across the spectrum of conflict, and joint force development. Issue 114, 3rd Quarter 2024.
The journal is published for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, by the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University.
Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. File Code 2R. JFQ.
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Members of the military, policymakers, governmental workers and contractors, defense contractors, agencies combatting terrorism, students and teachers interested in how the different branches of the military work together and with allies (particularly political science, governmental, and military studies), and military enthusiasts will enjoy this informative publication.