Prepared and regularly updated by specific Federal agencies, then published by the Office of Federal Register (OFR) 40 CFR, Parts 52(52.01-52.1018), includes rules, regulations, procedures, and administrative procedures associated with Title 40 Protection of Environment.
§ 52.01 Definitions.
§ 52.02 Introduction.
§ 52.04 Classification of regions.
§ 52.05 Public availability of emission data.
§ 52.06 Legal authority.
§ 52.07 Control strategies.
§ 52.08 Rules and regulations.
§ 52.09 Compliance schedules.
§ 52.10 Review of new sources and modifications.
§ 52.11 Prevention of air pollution emergency episodes.
§ 52.12 Source surveillance.
§ 52.13 Air quality surveillance; resources; intergovernmental cooperation.
§ 52.14State ambient air quality standards.
§ 52.15 Public availability of plans.
§ 52.16Submission to Administrator.
§ 52.17 Severability of provisions.
§ 52.18 Abbreviations.
Lawyers, law librarians and law students should be familiar with the Code of Federal Regulations.